
HOLDmEN – Citizens of two European Regions



According to the report issued by the European Parliament and the European Council, 2013 was designated as the European Year of Citizens. The goal was to raise population’s awareness about rights and liabilities linked to European Union citizenship. In order to reach such a goal, and within the Comenius Regio framework, “HOLDmEN” project fosters cooperation between local educational authorities to enrich the offer given to the school-age children from the participants countries. To be exact, “HOLDmEN” project focuses on improving the knowledge young people have about their own country and Europe. As adults have been witnesses a series of historic events, they will play a significant role in this improvement. Moreover, “HOLDmEN” wants to promote the dialogue between generations by storytelling. Stories may evolve into a historical memory due to the wide knowledge the young people have about computers and other new technologies. “HOLDmEN” allows anyone to discover the European historical path by using oral sources in Catalonia and Abruzzo. The composition of these based-on-true-events short stories will be on the hands of the students, since they will be given the freedom to choose the narrators of such stories.



“HOLDmEN” aims to identify and analyse the reasons why students show a lack of concern for history subject and, given that, it tries to revert that opinion. That is the trigger why it focuses on sharing local traditions between the participant regions, no matter if these are related to either oral or written narratives, and on historical auditions which could be the central axis for the audiovisual stories supported by new technologies. There is another strategy to take into consideration: getting to know historical places in both regions by the guide and experiences of the natives. Old people play a determinant role in assembling the next generations’ European citizenship by encouraging students to know the history of their countries and Europe through youth exchanges with other European nations.



Working groups

WG 1 – Storytelling. Laboratory for creative writing.

WG 2 - The lives of others. Understanding the contents.

WG 3 – We all are winners. “HOLDmEN Prize".

WG 4 – Book Week. Project results.

Participant countries: 2

Coordinating partner: Consell Comarcal del Gironès - SP

Associated partner: Provincia dell’Aquila - IT

Budged reuested 91.268,00 

Legami di parole




 legamidiparoleFor decades, the European educational systems have been providing effective reading techniques to citizens, despite their teaching and learning are quite a complex procedure. Within the Permanent Learning Programme – Comenius Regio framework, the project devotes to, firstly, analyse the learning process and highlight the main obstacles and, afterwards, to support teaching staff when improving its students’ reading skills. More precisely, the “Legami di Parole” project searches to organise a network between the educational institutions, no matter if they are based on formal, non-formal or informal education, from the participant communities and between different generations. That is all based on two key priorities.





The main goals of this project are the linguistic skills improvement, both the children’s and the adults’, by means of the most effective practices in schools, libraries and cultural associations. Hence, it intends to develop an educational model which is handy and applicable to both regions’ centres. Three guidelines are followed in other to reach these goals:



  • Firstly, it wants to promote cooperation between networks and educational organizations, whether they are formal, non-formal or informal, both at local level and at regional and transnational level.
  • Secondly, it searches for people’s awareness about regional and European identity.
  • Finally, it aims at increasing the European dimension educational systems hold by means of getting to know the partner country and accepting the great value encapsulated in both cultural and linguistic diversity.



This bunch of activities will be part of a teaching model based on good practices, whose results will be registered in both webpages and national and international publications. Hence, a priceless connexion between oral expression, corporal expression, writing and digital environment will be molded.


Working groups

WG 1 — Analyses and researches about the low reading rates among young people.

WG 2 — Laboratories and teaching courses for educational staff and cultural organisations.

WG 3 — Creation of reading routes and readers’ reviews.

WG 4 – Artistic and computer itineraries linked to oral tradition.

Participant countries: 2

Coordinator partner: Regional Department of Education Abruzzo - Italy

Associated partner: Ajuntament de Bescanó -Spain

Budget requested : 94.339,00 

ARPA - ARt Psychology against Abuse




Male violence has its background in interpersonal, familiar and social distorted relationships. This phenomenon affects every social class, despite the fact that people suffering cultural and economic inequalities get the worse deal, as these hideous factors lead to violent and abusive behaviours.


The relevance of such a problem has visibly sprouted in the last two decades once male violence has become an increasingly phenomenon at work, in the social context or at home.

On the other hand, the historical and cultural progress in our society has entitled women to be aware of their rights, both in the social context and at home. This growing awareness about gender-based violence has pushed many non-profit associations to take part in the issue. Nonetheless, different hidden aspects related to emotional obstacles that women find when talking about this matter, either by shame, fear or reprisals, make difficult to measure the real incidence of the phenomenon. However, there is a huge restrain coming from an information and education lack in the society, which affects the problem solution.


Therefore, ARPA’s goal is increasing awareness and sensitising. To this end, psychoeducational actions are taken, as well as a guide preventing any kind of violent behaviour. These measures are a synergetic continuation of the “European Years” framework, focused on different targets:


  • Year 2013: European Year of Citizens
  • Year 2012: European Year for Acting Ageing
  • Year 2011: European Year of Volunteering
  • Year 2010: European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion




The “Daphne III” programme intends to prevent and confront violence wielded against children, young people and women. Among the priorities, we have decided to focus on raising awareness about male violence.



In order to reach that goal, ARPA aims to launch a series of informational and experiential workshops for the most vulnerable targets: young people, immigrants, handicapped and old people. These workshops are divided in two parts and they gather powerful tools such as video modelling and advisory services. They play an important civil role by showing up the existence of the phenomenon, becoming our society’s mirror and inviting us to reflect our feelings when it comes to topics of such an importance.

The first part of these workshops focuses mainly on the information about the violence variety (physical, psychological, economic, sexual and harassing) and on the extension and dissemination this problem has. It analyses the gender stereotypes, the models spread by mass media, the social and familiar culture, and how this one is related to male violence.


The second part is experiential and it works on personal models and stereotypes. Participants can put themselves in the shoes of the victim and the abuser, so it may increase their awareness about these behaviours. Once done this, they will be able to contrast and reach some positive relational methods.            The purpose of these workshops is thus make them realise and prevent violence in any kind of emotional, social and professional relationships.




Working groups


WG 1 — Experiencial workshops and Advisory services.


WG 2 — Forum and social networks related to male violence.


WG 3 — Researches and publications.


Participant countries: 3


Coordinating Partner: Italy 

Associated Partners: PT, SP 

Budget requested: 106,565.00 €

Giovani Cittadini d'Europa





In synergy with the aims of the Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci, “Giovani cittadini d’Europa” project intends to giovanicittadiniincrease the attractiveness of professional mobility for enterprises and simultaneously fostering professional mobility of young people available in the labour market and young workers from local enterprises. The attractiveness of mobility enhanced by training experiences in professional sectors of interest for companies of the territory will facilitate the matching between offer-demand on the labour market and better employability of the target group.



The “Giovani cittadini d’Europa” project seeks to combine actions of professional counseling and working experience abroad. Therefore, these objectives are shared among a partnership composed by public Institutions responsible for labour policies, European policies and local development, Chambers of craft and industry, professional associations, Universities and other education Institutions, foundations and banks. These involved institutions have worked together to set actions to qualify the territory, pointing to highest employability rate and attractiveness of professional profiles for local businesses. In addition, other aims of the project proposal are the consolidation of precarious contractual terms and better career prospects for young workers.

It would become important for the results of the project the effective matching of labour offer-demand.


Working groups

WG BE – Editing and Journalism. Publishing and Events organizations in a book store.

WG GB – Project Management. Marketing. Personal Assistant Management.

WG SP – European Project Management.

WG OTHERS – own project proposals


Countries involved: 9

Leader partner: Italy

Associate partner: BE, GB, SP, IE, FR, GE, MT, PT





The European Parliament and the Council adopted the "Europe for Citizens" Programme for the period 2007-2013, which shapes
towntwinningthe legal framework to support a wide range of activities and organizations promoting “active European citizenship” and the involvement of citizens in the process of European integration. Precisely, the main objective is to bring Europe closer to its citizens and to enable them to participate fully in the European construction. This programme supports a wide range of activities involving citizens from local communities across Europe focusing on sharing and exchanging experiences, opinions and values. It seeks to encourage meetings, exchanges and debates among European citizens from different countries and through different means. One important measure is the “Town Twinning and Networking of twinned towns”, which consists in benefiting from the links established at local level between twinned municipalities for fostering exchanges and cooperation. The projects set in this measure, providing the town twinning between local communities from Italy and Spain (Canyelles/ Castelvecchio Subequo and Cervià de Ter/Lama dei Peligni) which share several aspects such as town dimension, economic and social background.


The project has planned several steps in order to get the two local communities closer. Firstly, they have signed the agreement to enter in the network. Secondly, they have built a "Committee for town twinning" in every council town, which involves also organizations representing local people. The project intends to organize seminars and conference about topics related to European common identity and citizens’ involvement at European level. Issues like anti-crisis measures taken in Europe and the importance of social European cohesion and intergenerational solidarity will be also debated.


Working groups

WG 1 – Agreement procedures for Town Twinning.

WG 2 – Conferences and seminars about European identity and culture

Participant countries: 2



Budged requested : 60.000,00 

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